
3/17/20 – KCM Participating Airline AOSCs,

Due to the rapid changes caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)  is directing Federal Security Directors to implement measures to maintain continuity of business. These measures could include some changes to the operation of Known Crewmember Program (KCM) access point locations. Crewmembers should expect periodic closures of KCM access points without notice. If KCM access points are closed, the TSA will accommodate crewmembers at TSA PreCheck locations where available or at standard passenger screening lanes. The TSA is taking measured steps and following CDC recommended guidance to preserve the health and safety of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs), airline/airport employees and the traveling public during this unprecedented time.

To view by airport code, see list below.
Click on an airport code from the list below to view a map of KCM access point locations.

ABQ Location 1: Frosted Glass Door at the Passenger Screening Checkpoint – AB Gates Checkpoint; 0400-1800​​​​
ANC Location 1: Main Checkpoint; Static staffing 0430-0630 & 2200-0000 / Dynamic 24/7
ATL South Security Checkpoint: 0400-2100 (2 KCM Stations)
Main Checkpoint SAD desk: 2100-0430 (1 KCM Station)
International Terminal: International F Concourse Departure; 0445-2330 (1 KCM Station)
ATW Location 1: Exit Lane KCM Podium; 0400-1800 (or last outbound departs)
AUS KCM Checkpoint: Checkpoint 1 Lane 8; 0400-1930
BDL ​​Location 1: Screening Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0430-1830
BHM ​​Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 0430-0600 & 1500-1600
BIS ​​Location 1: Main Checkpoint, ADA gate next to PreCheck Lane; 0400-2000
BNA Central Security Checkpoint adjacent to PreCheck Lanes; 0330-2300
BOI Location #1: Bypass Hallway adjacent to Checkpoint; 0400-0800;
Moves to Central Checkpoint; 0800-2100
BOS ​​Terminal A: Located on level 1 below the security checkpoint. Door AM1020;
0400-2000 * 1930 on Saturdays
Terminal B North: Security Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-1900
Terminal B South: Security Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0345-1900
Terminal C: Left (North) of JetBlue ticket counter at the glass door; 0400-2000
BTV Location 1: Security Checkpoint South – Exit Lane; 0400-1800
BWI ​Pier B: Exit Lane; 0400-2100
Pier D: Exit Lane; 0400-2000
CAE Main Terminal: Courtesy Gate to Right of Checkpoint; 0430-2000
CHA Location 1: Exit Lane; 0430-2030​
CHS Main Checkpoint Access Door:  0430-2000​
CID ​Location 1: Checkpoint Exit Lane: 0400 – 2030
CLE Main Terminal: Central Exit Lane; 0400-2230
CLT ​Checkpoint 1, Lane 8 (far right of the checkpoint) during construction; 0330-2245
CMH Location 1: Exit Lane A Concourse; 0400-2030
Location 2: Exit Lane B Concourse; 0400-2030
Location 3: Exit Lane C Concourse; 0400-2030
COS ​​​​​​Location 1: Main Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0330-2100
CRP ​​​Location 1: Exit Lane Main Checkpoint; Same hours as passenger screening checkpoint
CVG Main Checkpoint Access Door: 0330-2000
DAL ​​Main Checkpoint Known Crew Member Lane; 0400-2230
DCA ​​​​Terminal A: 0500-2000 KCM podium located in the exit lane.
South Checkpoint: 0500-2000 KCM podium located at south end of checkpoint
North Checkpoint: 0500-2000 KCM podium located at north end of checkpoint
DEN South Checkpoint: Security Checkpoint Door East of Checkpoint; 0000-2400
North Checkpoint: Down the hall on the north side of the checkpoint; 0330-2100
DFW Terminal A: Checkpoint located fire door near checkpoint A12; 0430-2000
Terminal B:  ​B30 co-located with B30 checkpoint; 0430-1900
Terminal C: C17 Checkpoint Adjacent to Lane 1; 0400-2100
Terminal D: Adjacent to D22 checkpoint; 0500-2030
Terminal E: Between E16/E17 on upper level; 0400-1900
DSM ​Location #1: Checkpoint Overflow Lane ADA Gate; 0400-2030
DTW North Terminal (Evans): TSA Checkpoint Next to Southwest Ticket Counter; 0345-2030
ELP ​​Main Terminal: Consolidated Checkpoint; 0300-2200​
EUG Location 1: Security Checkpoint; 0345-2000
EWR Terminal A: Security Checkpoint 1; 0400-2200
Terminal B: Security Checkpoint B1 and B2; 0400-2100
NOTE: A TSO may not always be present at locations in Terminal A/B. Please be patient and wait for a TSO to assist you or proceed to the passenger screening checkpoint for entry into the airport sterile area
Terminal C: Security Exit C3; 0400-2100
FAI Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 24/7
FAR Location 1: Main Checkpoint, ADA gate next to PreCheck Lane; 0400-2100​​ (FAR’s closing time is determined by the last flight of the day. Currently our closing time varies from 1815-2215, but this changes regularly).​​
FAT Daily through exit lane at only checkpoint. 0400-0200 (22hrs)​​
FLL Terminal 1: Corridor adjacent to checkpoint; 0400-1930​​
Terminal 2: Delta concourse exit lane; 0430-1700
Terminal 3: Direct Access Door to the left of the F checkpoint in terminal 3 ; 0400-2100
FNT ​Location 1:  Main Checkpoint; 0430-1930
GEG Location 1: A/B Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0415-2030
Location2: C Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0415-2030
GPT Location 1: Exit Lane Main Checkpoint; 0415-1930 (Or until last departure)
GRB Location 1: Concourse A Checkpoint; 0415-1945
Location 2: Concourse B Checkpoint; 0415-1730
GRR Location 1: Next to the TSA PreCheck Lane; 0400-2000
GSO North Terminal: North Terminal Checkpoint; 0430-2030
South Terminal: South Terminal Checkpoint; 0430-2030
GSP Location 1:  Main Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-1930
HNL ​Terminal 1 (Central Exit); 0415-2200
Terminal 2 (Checkpoint 4 Exit); 0500-2300
Note: ALL Crewmembers must clear US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Inspection at the USDA inspection station located adjacent to the exit lanes prior to accessing the Known Crewmember access point.
HOU ​​Location 1: Main Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0330-2230
HSV ​Location 1; 0400-1900
IAD Main Terminal: Baggage Claim/Arrivals Level, Western Side Employee Checkpoint (adjacent to carousel #7); 0400-2100
Concourse C: Eastern Side FIS Checkpoint; 0600-2200
IAH Terminal A: A-South Checkpoint; 0400-2230
Terminal B: Employee Checkpoint Lane; 0400-1900
Terminal C: North Checkpoint; 0400-2230
ICT ​Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 0345-1900
ILM ​Location 1: Exit Lane; 7 days a week, 0400-1930 (or last departure)
IND Main Terminal: Checkpoint A, 0415-2015 (Or last departure)
ISP Location 1: Main Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-2100
IWA ​Location 1: Westside (Right) of the rental car podiums; 0400-Close (Open during passenger screening checkpoint hours)
JAC ​​Location 1: Main Checkpoint access door right side; 0500-2100
JAN ​​East Checkpoint: Exit Lane; 0430-2000
West Checkpoint: West CP Lane 1; 0430-2000
JAX Checkpoint: Exit lane adjacent to main passenger security checkpoint; 0400-1900
JFK Terminal 2: Alarm Exit Door Opposite Gate C68; 0430 – 2030
Terminal 4: Behind Sky Priority Area on Departure Level; 0430-2130
Terminal 5: Far Left Side of Main Checkpoint; 0330-2300
Terminal 7: West Checkpoint (left side of bldg. on departures level); 0500 – 2200
Terminal 8: Security Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-2200
LAS ​Terminal 1: Checkpoint A/B Exit Lane; 0400-2400
Terminal 1: “Little C” Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-2400
Terminal 3: East Side of Checkpoint; 0400-2400
LAX T1: West end of checkpoint. Corridor adjacent to passenger queue; 0330-2100
T1.5: Left side of checkpoint, northwest of area; 0415-0045
T3: Right side of checkpoint, past TSA Pre-Check entrance; 0400-0055
TBIT: Left side of checkpoint, west end; 0430-0130
T4: Exit Lane; 0345-0100
T5: Exit Lane; 0400-0100
T6: Exit Lane; 0400-2230
T7: Exit Lane; 0400-0100
LGA Terminal A: Marine Air Terminal. Exit Lane; 0430-2000
Terminal B: Main Checkpoint corridor adjacent to lane 1; 0430-2000
Terminal C: East Checkpoint Exit Door; 0430-2000
LGB Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 0530-2200
LIT ​​Main Checkpoint: Is Operational During the time list ; 0430-1800
Location 2: South Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0430-1530
LNK Location 1: North Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-1815
Location 2: South Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-1715
MCI ​​​04:30am – 10:55pm unless there are changes in flight activity which would cause the KCM access point to stay open later. 7 days a week.
MCO West side of terminal “A” Checkpoint, facing the checkpoint it is on the right side; 0400-2100
East side of terminal “A” Checkpoint, left of screening checkpoint; 0400-2000
Terminal C: South Checkpoint; 0400-2100
MDT Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 0345-2015
MDW Main Terminal: Main Checkpoint Employee Lane; 0415-2000
MEM ​Main Terminal: Checkpoint B Adjacent to Lane 1; 0400-2030
MFR ​Location 1: Security Checkpoint; 0315-2100
MHK Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 0500-1800
MHT Location 1: Adjacent to Lane 1 at Main Checkpoint; 0400 until Last Departure
MIA Checkpoint D1: Screening Checkpoint Exit Lane AA/AE; 0530-2000
Checkpoint D2: 0530-2100
Checkpoint D-FIS: 0530-2130
Checkpoint E: Passenger Screening Checkpoint; 0400-2230
Checkpoint G: Passenger Screening Checkpoint; 0430-2030
Checkpoint J-Central: 24-hours
MKE Concourse C: Exit Lane; 0400-2100
Concourse D: Exit Lane; 0400-2100
MLI Location 1: Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0415-2030​
MSN Location 1: Checkpoint Bravo (South checkpoint near Door 1 curbside); 0400-1930​
MSP T1-Lindbergh: South Checkpoint KCM Portal (behind Delta ticket counter); 0400-2100
T1-Lindbergh: Checkpoint 10 KCM Portal; CLOSED
T2- Humphrey: Checkpoint 2 KCM Portal; 0400-2030
MSY Main Terminal: Level 2; 0315-2200
OAK ​​Terminal 1: Main Checkpoint; 0400-2100
Terminal 2: Main Checkpoint; 0400-2000 NOTE: Please use phone to request a TSO when one is not present at the KCM access point.
OKC ​Location 1: West Security Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0400-1930
OMA Location #1: Terminal A Exit Lane; 0400 – 2000 hours (4am – 8pm)
Location #2: Terminal B Exit Lane; 0400 – 2000 hours (4am – 8pm)
ONT Terminal 2: Checkpoint (Left Side); 0400-0100
Terminal 4: Checkpoint (Left Side); 0400-0030
ORD Terminal 1: Lower Level, South End Exit Lane; 0415-2200
Terminal 2: Exit Lane Checkpoint 4A; 0415-1930
Terminal 3: Exit Lane Checkpoint 9; 0400-2200
Terminal 5: Exit Lane Checkpoint 10; 0415-2030
ORF ​​Location 1: Checkpoint A ; 0415-2015
Location 2: Checkpoint B ; 0415-2015
PDX Location 1: B/C Checkpoint- KCM Portal; 0000-2459
Location 2: D/E Checkpoint- KCM Portal; 0000-2459
PHF Main Checkpoint; Notify TDC officer at front of checkpoint, 0400-2000
Terminal 3: North Checkpoint; 0430-2200
PHL Concourse A: Checkpoint Lane 8; 0400-1800
Terminal C: Adjacent to Exit Lane; 0415-2000
Terminal D/E: Terminal E Side, Adjacent to Lane 14; 0400-1800
Terminal F: Exit Lane; 0415-1900
PHX Terminal 2: Security Checkpoint, Employee Entrance; 24 Hours Daily
Terminal 3: North Checkpoint; 0430-2200
Terminal 4: Checkpoint A/D Exit Lane; 24 hour operation
Terminal 4: Checkpoint B Exit Lane; 0500-2015
PIE Location 1: Alpha Checkpoint, lane next to PreCheck; 0400-2100
Location 2: Bravo Checkpoint, lane next to PreCheck; 0400-2100
PIT Main Terminal: Adjacent to North Exit Lane; 0400-2000
PVD Location 1: Main Checkpoint; 0400-1800
RDM ​Location 1: Travel Document Checker (TDC) podium @ passenger screening checkpoint; 0345-1900
RDU ​Terminal 1: Security Checkpoint; 0400-2000
Terminal 2: Security Checkpoint; 0400-2000
RNO ​Terminal 1: By-Pass Door at Main Checkpoint; 0415-2215
SAN ​​Terminal 1: East, P1; (This checkpoint no longer exists)
Terminal 1: East, P2; 0430-2300
Terminal 1: West, P3; 0430-2300
Terminal 2: East, P5; 0430-2300
Terminal 2: West, P6; 0430-2300
SAT ​​Location #1: Terminal A Exit Lane; 0400-2000
Location #2: Terminal B Exit Lane; 0400-1930
NOTE: There is no connector between Terminals A & B. Please choose the correct location when accessing the airport sterile area.
SAV ​Location #1: Main Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0415-2015
SDF Main Security Checkpoint Exit Lane: 0430-2100
SEA KCM North: North side of Baker Exit, South of Security Checkpoint 3; 0400-2200
KCM South: South side of Baker Exit, South of Security Checkpoint 3; 0400-2300
SFB ​Location 1: Terminal B, 2nd Floor; 0400-2100
SFO International Terminal A: Exit Lane; 0430-0200
Terminal 1: Pier B Checkpoint; 0315-0030
Terminal 2: Pier D Checkpoint; 0400-0030
Terminal 3: Checkpoint Level 1 (Baggage Claim) next to carousel 7; 0330-0000PT
SGF Location 1: Direct Access Door, right side of Main Checkpoint; 0345-2000
SJC ​Terminal A: Main Checkpoint Lane 8; 0430-2300
Crewmembers enter First Class Lane to KCM access point
Terminal B: Checkpoint North Lane; 0430-2100
SJU ​Location 1: Central Checkpoint adjacent to PreCheck lane; 0500-1700
SLC International Terminal: Security Checkpoint Direct Access Door; 0400-0100
SMF Terminal A: Exit Lane; 0400-2359
Terminal B: Exit Lane; 0400-0030​
SNA Terminal B: Security checkpoint; 0500-2100
SRQ Location 1: Main Checkpoint – Adjacent to Lane 1; 0400-2000
STL Terminal 1: Concourse A Exit Lane; 0400-1930
​Terminal 1: Alpha Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0430-2100
Terminal 2: Concourse E Exit Lane; 0400-2000
TPA Location 1: Airside A, Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0430-2200
Location 2: Airside C, Direct Access Door located adjacent to Checkpoint; 0345-2300
TUL ​Main Checkpoint Exit Lane; 0345-2000
TUS ​​Terminal 1: Alpha Checkpoint Crew Members Lane Adjacent to the TDC: 0430-2100
Terminal 2: Bravo Checkpoint Crew Member Lane Adjacent to the TDC; 0345-1830
XNA Location 1: Main Checkpoint operational during hours listed; 0430-2000